Alune Wade

2010年の『AYO NENE』においてもこの音楽性をより探求し、2015年の『HAVANA-PARIS-DAKAR』はアルネの故郷ダカールと現在の居住地パリ、そして共同制作者のキューバ人ピアニスト、ハロルド・ロペス・ヌッサの故郷であるハバナの音楽文化を橋渡しするような作品となった。
Born in 1978 in Dakar, Senegal, Alune Wade grew up surrounded by music. His father was a leader of a local symphonic orchestra, so Alune developed a natural gift for music at the young age of six.
At just 13, the bass became his chosen instrument. Though his mother objected, wanting her son to further his academic studies rather than become a professional musician, the support and encouragement from his father inspired Alune to perfect his craft and hone an original voice on bass.
After years of rigorous music instruction and performing in local bands all over Dakar, at 17, Alune ultimately gained a prominent spot as a bassist in his father’s orchestra. Just one year later, he auditioned and was chosen to perform with the great Senegalese musician Ismael Lo, touring as his bassist all across the globe. In 2006, Alune released his debut solo album. MBOLO (which means “unity” in Wolof) combines his training in African rhythms with more contemporary and modern jazz influences.
He further explored those influences on his 2010 effort AYO NENE. Released in 2015, HAVANA-PARIS-DAKAR is a bridge between both Alune’s native and chosen homes (Dakar and Paris, respectively), as well as the birthplace of his featured and frequent collaborator, Cuban pianist Harold López-Nussa.

※旧モデル WL4-ASH