ギターを弾くだけでなく製作もしている音楽家の家庭で育ったパース生まれのレオントッドにとってミュージシャンへの道に進むことは必然のようだった。子供時代はオーストラリアンフットボール、クリケット、スケートボーディングなどに情熱を注いだが、やがてLed Zeppelin, PinkFloyd, Rush、Thin Lizzyなどのクラシック・ロックミュージックと、身に馴染んだギターの世界に自分の天分を見つけるようになる。それから1年半も経たない内に演奏活動を始めるようになり、一定数のギターの生徒を持つまでになった。中には自身の3倍近い年齢の生徒もいた。
Ragdollはこれまで3つのEPと2つのアルバムをリリースし、名声ある「WAM Song of the Year」に2回ノミネートされた。またこれまでRegdollはフランスの「Rock Hard」やイギリスの「Classic Rock」のような国際的な出版物に取り上げられ、レオン個人のギター教材はアメリカの「Guitar World Magazine」のオンライン版に掲載された。
レオンはギター関係機材のデモと教則を中心に配信する自身のYoutubeチャンネルを持ち、Anarchy Audio (オーストラリア), Mercuriall (ヨーロッパ ) そして Headway(日本)のような会社の製品の試聴コンテンツも配信している。
Raised in a musical household where guitars were not only played but built, a career as a musician seemed inevitable for Perth’s Leon Todd.
However it took a childhood of shiftingpassions (AFL, cricket and skateboarding to name but a few) before Leon finally found hiscalling in the familiar embrace of the guitar and the classic rock music of Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rush and Thin Lizzy.
Within 18 months Leon was not only performing on occasion but also had a steady roster of guitar students, some nearly three times his age.
As a founding member and principal songwriter for hard rock trio Ragdoll, Leon has toured extensively at home and abroad, including over 80 shows in the USA and Europe over a 5 year stretch, and shared the stage with rock heavyweights such as Guns’n’Roses, KORN, Seether and many, many more.
Leon has also does double duty as the band’s primary booking agent. Ragdoll have released three EP’s and two full length albums, yielding two nominations in the prestigious WAM song of the year awards.
Ragdoll have been featured in international publications such as Rock Hard (France) and Classic Rock (UK), while Leon’s tutorial material was featured in the online edition of Guitar World Magazine (USA).
Leon runs a Youtube channel focusing on guitar gear and tutorials, and has produced demo content for companies such as Anarchy Audio (Australia), Mercuriall (EU ) and Headway (Japan).
Leon currently splits his time between writing and performing with Ragdoll, teaching and pending time with his wife and their very fat and furry cat.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Leontoddmusic/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/kingcrimsonscourt
Ragdoll Bandcamp https://ragdollrock.bandcamp.com/

HEADWAY HC-313/STD 40th anniversary BRB

My Headway 313-STD impressed me straight out of the box with it’s articulate voice, smooth playability and flawless craftsmanship.
I need a guitar that can cover everything from aggressive drop-tuned strumming with Ragdoll to detailed fingerpicking sessions, and the 313-STD handles them all effortlessly.
It’s simply the only acoustic guitar i need in my life right now.