Raz Ben Ari

YouTubeでの作品発表を主な活動の場とする、インスト・メタルギタリスト。自身のYouTubeチャンネルに上げた最初のオリジナル作品は、数々の 海外有名WEBサイト、フォーラムやブログ等に取り上げられ一週間で10万件の閲覧数を獲得。一躍、世界的に知名度を広げる。
次第にファンの間からアルバム作品への要望が高まり、2013年3月30日ファースト・アルバム「Augmented Reality」をリリース。2日後、Bandcampのメタルジャンルの売上順位の一位をマークする。
Raz Ben Ari (born March 30, 1987 in Haifa, Israel) is an independent artist and guitarist best known for his popular YouTube channel, where he uploads original Instrumental Metal music.
His first ever original piece has brought him worldwide recognition, getting over 100,000 hits in one week, and being featured on major sites all over the web, including CollegeHumor.com, TheDailyWhat, Metal Hammer, and MetalSucks.net, among countless other news sites, blogs and discussion boards. By January 2011, His channel had reached a total of 1,000,000 views. By now, he has quadrupled that amount, raised a following of nearly 25,000 fans worldwide. The demand for an album grew with every video, and on March 30th, 2013, his debut release “Augmented Reality” saw the light of day. Two days later, it topped Bandcamp’s best-sellers chart for Metal.
公式Webサイト (英語) www.razbenari.com
公式YouTubeチャンネル www.youtube.com/razbenari

The GS-001 is my go-to guitar for everything and anything. It’s super comfortable, shreds on distortion, and has a very rich & open clean sound. I would say the #1 quality of the guitar is versatility; if you’re going to stick with only one guitar, do yourself a favor and get one. My main outlet is music videos, and nothing looks better than my candy-red Bacchus in the frame.