Wanda Omar

2014年にはベースに焦点をあてたコンピレーション・アルバム『Bass Heroes 2』における三人の女性ベーシストの一人に選ばれ、Yance Manusama、Indro Harjodikoro、As Matesなどインドネシアの伝説的ベーシスト達と共にプロジェクトに貢献した。また、Baim Guitar、Handy Salim、Echa Soemantri、Andre DinuthやMarcellといった、インドネシアの数多くのトップ・ミュージシャン達に信頼され、バックを努めている。
Raised in a musical community, she has been playing the bass since she was twelve years old. Her constant and ever-growing interest in the bass made her dreams came to live.
In 2014, She was chosen as one of the three female bass player that contributed in Bass Heroes 2, a purely bass-focused project/album, along with other Indonesian legendary bass players such as Yance Manusama, Indro Hardjodikoro, As Mates etc. On top of that, Wanda Omar was trusted to play alongside numerous Indonesian top-notch musicians such as Baim Guitar, Handy Salim, Echa Soemantri, Andre Dinuth, Marcell, etc.