
Bassist / Performance Influencer
Real name is Yota Sato.
Born in 1986. Born in Kodaira City, Tokyo and currently resides in Fukuoka Prefecture.
Started playing bass at the age of 14. At the age of 20, he was selected as a national finalist in the 20↑ (over twenty) division of the TEEN’S MUSIC FESTIVAL 2006 sponsored by YAMAHA. 20-22 years old, he mainly played support for artists in Japan.
At the age of 23, he moved to the U.S. and toured the U.S. as a support bassist, successfully performing about 20 shows.
He returned to Japan at the age of 24 and took a break from music for a while, but resumed his musical activities around the age of 29.
In 2016, he performed at the Nico Nico Ultra Conference.
On April 15, 2024, he opened an Instagram account to share useful phrases for bass playing with the world. He reached 10,000 followers within 42 days of its opening, and reached 20,000 on August 23 of the same year. It continues to grow rapidly.
In recent years, he has been involved in live stage performances in Japan, as well as providing music and producing music for video commercials.
He is also a representative of a corporation in the field of web marketing, and is pursuing the possibilities of marketing and music on a daily basis.
Official SNS

I was looking for a 5-string JAZZ Bass with a sound that would be flexible enough for a wide range of playing situations, and I was going around trying out the 5-strings on display at music stores in the prefecture.
As I was trying out the Basses, I was attracted to Momose Basses and felt that I wanted to play more of them, so I asked on the spot to order all Momose 5-string basses from other stores’ stock just for the purpose of trying them out, and after comparing several of them, the deciding factors were the clarity of sound, good quality sound, and overwhelming controllability of this model.
I feel that I have definitely grown as a player after encountering this instrument, and I hope to continue to evolve and gain many more experiences with this Bass.