The Deviser Special Showcase presents limited editions and new products from each of the Deviser brands. This is the ninth time for this event, and we are proud to present a wide range of products including the 10th anniversary model of the “Sakura Model”, which our craftsmen have created with great confidence.
We have prepared many 3D showcases and videos of musicians playing with the instruments, so we hope you will take the time to look over all of them as much as you can.

This year’s Deviser Special Showase event celebrates the 10th anniversary of the release of the “Sakura Models” instruments made from Sakura, or Japanese cherry tree wood, which Deviser has been working on since 2014. We have prepared many more special Sakura models than ever before, using Sakura wood from all over Japan.
Please take a look at the instruments that represent the best of the skills of craftsmen who have been making Sakura guitars for the past 10 years, as represented by the Sakura concept models created with ingenuity by custom store builders.


* Product pages only available in Japanese



Below are the artists who helped us in shooting the demo video of the models that will be presented at the event.
You can view the videos we shot for this event on each product page or in the VIDEOS section below.

Maruyama Tatsuya

Kyohei Ariga


Tomoki Suzuki


Many more demo videos are available. Check out the product pages with video icons in the thumbnails from each brand page.


3D Display – Video Content

Some of the featured models have video clips of artists playing the instruments so that you can get a feel for their sound and their overall feel when they are played. Products that have video test-play videos are marked with the following play button icons in the thumbnails. For the finest models featuring exquisite wood grains, we also provide 3D images so that you can view them from various angles.

3D Displays

Video Content